About us
THE COLLECTORS BAY is more than just a shop, it's a network. Our mission ist to connect collectors fans not only in Germany, but worldwide.
THE COLLECTORS BAY is more than just a shop, it's a network. Our mission ist to connect collectors fans not only in Germany, but worldwide.
We, that's Tim of "Tim Kay's Nerd Crate" and Den of "Sentinel Bay Reviews". Getting to know each other via our activities on YouTube, we quickly realized that we are compatible in a lot of ways. Communication, values, self-claim. And there's one more thing that unites us: The drive to strengthen the German Transformers community and facilitate and improve collecting within this network. For the former, in March 2019 we created Germany's first live-podcast centered around Transformers and other franchises, whose regular panel size grew to four proud members over time.
Concerning collecting itself, for a longer period of time we've felt a certain discontent over the availability of figures and the reliability of certain sources, of course being affected by that ourselves. The idea to create something of our own out of that seethes within us for quite some time now, longer tahn we even know each other. But to do this is all alone always had been an obstacle. Not least since we have our hands full with work, YouTube, private life and collecting.
But with our relationships within the communiyt and with manufacturers and distributors alike growing in 2020 and with finally finding a "partner in crime", the idea gof opening up a shop got back to life und we said "Time to finally do this!". A few hundred Euros were thrown together und put into this passion project that you are seeing today.
In the end it all centers around the fun of collecting itself. And from now on not only for us, but for and together with you all.
We are looking forward to you and welcome you to THE COLLECTORS BAY!
Tim & Den